Thursday, November 19, 2009

surfing and other exploits

Have been meaning to post about my most recent trip to the Island. Spent the first week of November in Galveston. Mission : Obtain employment! I had two interviews set up and was anxious to get discussions moving. Having been 6 weeks since my last visit with Andy I was also anxious to see the hubby and take in some Galveston sun and sand together again.

What a wonderful week! My first interview was at the University where Andy is working. Their center for Health Disparities is looking to revive its program. It was good to get my feet wet with the common interview questions but I had a feeling that it might not be a good fit - or an immediate fit at that. And God knows we have limited time for horsing around!! I have been so peaceful about this transition though which is a beautiful thing. I have just trusted that a job will be provided that can support our life in Galveston. And well didn't one just come together...

By the end of the week I was involved in some great discussions with the Housing Authority. I will be working to create their rental to homeownership program beginning in mid December. So similar to the work I have been doing here in Baltimore and such a beautiful fit. I am excited to be a part of the rebuild project, and, more significantly, the chance to build a legacy program that can be modeled nationwide. While the 2008 hurricane has brought so much pain and suffering, the opportunity lies in an ability to start fresh and revision what low to moderate income housing and communities can really become. If we think outside the box we can really get creative in community development.

mission accomplished! now time for some serious fun! Surfing was the order of the day on Friday after my last interview. A week of 70 degrees a sun had me itching to get in the water. I signed up with Brian at C-Sick Surfing for a 2 hour lesson. What a cool guy. The man's tax return says "professional surfer." and that he was...probably in his mid 60s, Brian has been surfing for 40+ years and was an excellent teacher. We spent the first 45 minutes on the sand. I learned all about how waves occur and the techniques for getting up on the board.

Surfing is more difficult than I could have imagined! But super fun too :-). The "pop up" or jump from push up position on the board to standing is the most difficult part. I managed to get up a few times. Brian was a great teacher and gave me some pointers if I want to keep learning in the future. I can't wait to get out again with Andy. If we like it after a few times we might have to set aside some surfing dollars for a cheap board and a wet suit. We'll see...

What a great visit! I know the transition will not be without tears but I feel gradually warmed to our new home and know that there is a path at hand for us to walk. So very exciting.

One more week til the Becks are reunited for good! after three months, I am ready to have my partner in crime back

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