Theres been alot going on the past few weeks. Its nice to see that our calendar is getting somewhat full with fun new things to do and see. I am really looking forward to these next couple of months. We've got a camping trip scheduled, my first triathlon is coming up, and we will also hopefully take a jaunt somewhere fun for our anniversary. Good stuff all around.
Andy suggested I start off my next blog with some of the details of our recent jaunt into the world of Barbecue. As many of you know, Andy is particularly fond of all things meat. Thus, Texas is just the right place for him to be. He often says that if nothing else, he will leave here with a PhD in barbecue. (We also hope that he leaves with another degree while we're at it...I think we'll be successful there too. ha! )
Steaks, Chickens, and pork abound here on Winnie Street as Andy gets acquainted with his recent birthday gift. A charcoal/gas griller combo - we found a great deal on this thing and are having a blast. Not only is it tasty, but its super fun to cook together. I really love to cook and so have always enjoyed putting stuff together for us. Now Andy is getting into the game and is looking up all kinds of recipes. Heres some pics to get your taste buds watering
mmmmMMMMM! looks good!