well, its high time I update my blog here though you cannot fault me for want to post rich and informative tales. I often think its time to post but realize there's more to the story that must be lived before I do so. and we've done a lot of living and learning "Texas style" since Christmas. where to begin...
January was more settling in at the new job and in our new neighborhood. We have a wonderful neighborhood here on Winnie Street and are so glad to be right in the middle of it.
We are surrounded by wonderful and very diverse folk! I love this aspect of Winnie Street and am so thankful that we are in such a great spot. It makes for great "porch sittin' banter" and neighborly friendship too. David and Dale are neighbors across the street who have been so kind to us. We had Christmas lunch with them and their family. I have never seen so much food in one sitting - and all of it was delicious!! Dale and I are going to have to have a "cook off" one of these days...I am sure of it. ;-) He is threatening gumbo - shall I come back at him with a maryland crab soup!?! we shall see what my culinary war chest can muster up.
Having more time in the evenings lately I have been cooking up a storm. I just this evening learned how to cook with "fennel bulb" and leeks. We made a tasty Shrimp pot pie. It was amazing! Lots of shrimp and seafood on our plates lately. Theres a seafood market on 22nd and Harborside just a few blocks from our house. Fresh shrimp from the gulf at just 5 bucks a pound daily. AWESOME. I'll post some pics of Katie's market - the pelicans gather around the shop and the fisherman feed them fish scraps after they filet fish for you. So hilarious!
We hosted our first party which was a success in late January. We've had great fun bringing the art of sushi making to friends back home. I cannot start this without thanking my west coast cousin/sushi chef Silas Toms. A few years back he came east for a visit and taught us the whole shebang. Nori, Wasabi, ginger...and ever so crucial...how to buy fish that will not kill your friends. So far so good in that department. Not a single death so far on our watch!! :-)
We had about 15 folk over. Bring a drink to share and 10 bucks to cut the cost (party on a grad student budget = everyone chipping in!). I think everyone had a great time. Some chose to just eat while others took charge at the table rolling crazy concoctions. By the end of the night I was full and tired from a day of prep. It was great to host a party again too. I think those are genetics passed down from Mom's side of the family. Shes always a very gracious host and I am glad to have some of that spirit in me too. (emphasis on "some" - I have not yet cut out themed name cards nor have I set festive tables 2 days prior to a meal. That is a level I have not yet risen too! )
All this said, I feel like these last two weeks I have started to feel more at home. Work is picking up in a good way and I am starting to learn new things in the world of affordable housing - a passion of mine to be sure. More to come soon. Andy's birthday is coming up and we have taken the plunge into Texas style bbq. Found a great bargain on a grill this weekend and plan to christen it over the next few weeks. Any thoughts on a first recipe for the grill master?! Lots of love from the island tonight. -Court
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